Today, there are many ways to enlarge the penis: surgery, taking food supplements, using special creams, vacuum pumps and weighting agents that can harm men's health. In addition, massage to enlarge the penis is recommended and traditional medicine does not stand aside.
One of the popular penis enlargement methods that has been used successfully for a long time is the use of baking soda. This method can be easily combined with other methods such as massage. Another benefit of using baking soda is its relative safety, in contrast to many dubious creams. After surgery, there is a risk that a man may not be able to fully function sexually. Weights are not safe because they can damage the penis.

Preparation for penis enlargement with soda
Understanding the topic of whether soda can increase penis size, you should explore the various ways of using the product:
- Apply olive oil to the surface of the penis: it completely softens the delicate skin. Then comes the turn to use baking soda. It should be applied with gentle massaging movements. The manipulation should be continued for several minutes, then thoroughly rinse the remaining soda with water and lubricate the penis with a moisturizer that helps prevent irritation.
- Does baking soda enlarge your penis when you vaporize it in a bathroom? Yes, this is a powerful way to grow your dignity instantly. How is baking soda used in this version? Dilute 1 tbsp. L. substances in hot water (1 liter of liquid is enough). Put the genital organ in the bath for a quarter of an hour. After the procedure, wash off the remnants of the composition, apply a moisturizer.
- As a means of penis enlargement, it is recommended to use soda with honey, mixing the products in equal proportions. Apply the ointment on the genitals, wait a few minutes, then massage the penis with your hands. This recipe, in addition to increasing the size, increases the sensitivity to the head of the organ, useful before sexual contact to enhance the sensations.

Warning! To achieve maximum effectiveness, a natural liquid bee product is needed. Synthetic honey is bad for this.
Many articles have been written about how soda affects manhood. Soda packs are a proven option for increasing penis size. Prepare a strong solution (1 tablespoon per glass of slightly heated water). Soak the gauze, then wrap the penis with a cloth, wait five minutes. Using this technique, an increase in the size of the genitals will be guaranteed!
Question: How do you use baking soda when taking a bath? Is it true that such a procedure increases the size of the penis?
Answer: Indeed, if you want to get results in a comfortable environment, you should add soda directly into the bathtub. The product will improve the sensitivity of the head, saving time when treating water.
Sitting in the bathroom, use gentle movements to stretch your penis. To do this, grab the organ with two fingers, which you move towards the head. An indispensable condition: no pain, burning or other discomfort. If this condition is observed, stop the procedure. The technique of lengthening the penis in the bathroom is an excellent option to ensure the proper functioning of the vessels.
The use of the composition has a number of contraindications, which must be taken into account, especially in the presence of certain pathologies or chronic diseases. These contraindications include:
- damage to the skin, the presence of rashes;
- individual intolerance to the substance;
- deformation of organs as a result of a pathological process (in this case, one cannot help but consult the attending physician).
In the presence of the above factors, the substance cannot be taken externally and internally, and in the latter case, these contraindications include many others:
- chronic gastritis or any other disease that leads to a change in acidity in the stomach;
- allergic reaction;
- ulcerative formations.
It is strictly forbidden to use an expired product, so it must be checked before enlarging the penis with soda. Also, you should refuse to use it even if the product has a normal shelf life, but the powder has changed color to yellow, has a specific smell or any other deviation from the norm.
To guarantee a 100% result and find out for sure, watch the video that will clearly demonstrate the characteristics of this process:
Now you know how soda affects penis enlargement. To achieve a positive result, it is necessary to follow all the rules and recommendations, as well as carry out procedures regularly. It is important to remember the contraindications and possible complications - they rarely occur, but some men still notice a deterioration in health. To reduce the likelihood of this process, you should consult with your doctor: he will not only perform a complete diagnosis of the body, but also tell you how to use soda to enlarge the penis.
You can find a lot of various information on how to enlarge a penis with the help of soda on the World Wide Web. Some claim that baking soda is a harmless and effective product, while others insist that using a fine white powder will harmonly health and will not bring the expected effect. As a result, the question arises: Can a man's penis be enlarged with soda? To answer, you need to understand everything in detail.
Instructions for penis enlargement with soda
Here are some ways to enlarge your penis:
- Apply vegetable oil on the penis (it is better to use olive oil to completely soften the skin). Next, soda is applied to the surface of the genital organ with light massage movements. The procedure for the increase must be continued for several minutes, after which the remnants of the composition are thoroughly washed off with water and a moisturizer is applied to the intimate area to prevent irritation.
- Smoking the penis in a bathroom is another effective way to instantly enlarge the penis. Dilute the baking soda (one tablespoon) in a liter of warm water. Put your penis in the container with the solution for about 15 minutes. After taking this compact bath, rinse the remaining composition with water, then also use a cream with a moisturizing effect.
- An equally effective recipe for penis enlargement with soda is to mix the powder with honey in equal proportions (it also allows you to quickly enlarge the genitals). Apply the resulting consistency to the surface of the penis, hold for a few minutes and massage with your hands. An interesting fact: this recipe can not only increase the size but also increase the sensitivity of the head, so use it before a romantic evening to improve the sensations during intercourse. Useful tip: take natural honey in liquid form to get the result. A synthetic product with flavorings will do more harm than good.

There is another method:
soda is applied to the penis, after which a vacuum pump is attached to the genitals. The device is used according to the instructions (air is pumped into the pump, left for a few minutes and then released). Thanks to this combined method, it is possible to improve the movement of blood through the vessels several times, which means that the result will be even more pronounced.
If you want maximum comfort and magnification, try using baking soda in warm water while taking a bath.
In this case, baking soda will increase the sensitivity of the head and you can save time during water treatments. In the bathroom, gently pull the penis to length, grabbing it with two fingers and moving towards the head. In this case, you should not experience a burning sensation or painful sensations; in case of discomfort, stop this procedure. Bath stretching with this food is a great way to ensure that the vessels in the pelvic area are functioning well.
A baking soda pack is another proven effective option for penis enlargement. Prepare a solution (for a glass of warm water, a generous spoonful of product). Dip a gauze cloth in the liquid and wrap it around the penis, hold the position for five minutes. This way, you are sure that you can enlarge your penis!
How does baking soda work on the penis?
We appreciate that baking soda is non-toxic and available for pennies. Also, we like the possibility of local action and ingestion. Choose a suitable option "for yourself", feel free to combine techniques.

In business, baking soda will serve as follows:
- eliminate inflammation;
- will kill harmful microorganisms;
- blood circulation will increase;
- the degree of oxygen assimilation will increase.
Local action and internal intake cause blood flow to the pelvic organs. This causes the corpora cavernosa to expand, an increase in length by several centimeters, and a high-quality erection.
How to properly use baking soda for penis enlargement
With the help of soda, which almost everyone has around the house, you can take penis baths. They will help firm the penis. To take a bath, you need a teaspoon of baking soda for a glass of warm water. It is necessary to bathe for at least 15 minutes. It is recommended to perform this procedure one hour before sexual intercourse. Many men in their reviews stated that the result after using this method is weak. But almost everyone noticed that even though there was no increase in the penis, its elasticity increased very significantly.

You can also use baking soda as a scrub. To do this, you must first moisten the penis, then rub the soda along its entire length with gentle movements. As a result of these manipulations, blood begins to actively flow into the genitals. But you have to keep in mind the downside of this method. Baking soda can irritate and burn your penis. It must be applied very carefully. Although the baking soda particles are very small, they can injure the very thin and sensitive skin of the penis, causing painful sensations. Rubbing with baking soda strengthens an erection and, albeit slightly, it really increases the penis. To consolidate the result, it is recommended to use soda with milk, this will strengthen overall health.
Not so popular, but also an effective method of using soda to enlarge the penis, is the use of compresses. Soda is smeared on a clean cloth (it can be a bandage folded in several layers), soaked a little and applied to the organ. You can leave this compress for 15-20 minutes, but no more.
Do not let the soda get on the head of the penis, so as not to hurt it!

Methods for using baking soda to stretch the penis
There are various ways to enlarge the penis with baking soda. Reviews indicate that the effectiveness and duration of treatment depend on the method chosen. Note that it is best to take comprehensive measures to achieve an excellent result.
Taking the soda inside
One of the main ways is to take soda inside, because this procedure allows you to cleanse the body and prevent the occurrence of neoplasms.
- The substance activates all metabolic processes.
- The metabolism will improve and normalize the weight.
- By the way, this method also increases the activity of spermatozoa, they become more viable.
- Therefore, the method is especially useful for those who want to have children.
The method is suitable for the prevention of various problems, but not for treatment. If the person has severe health problems, other treatment options should be considered. To do this, you need to consult with doctors, because soda is not a complete drug.
How to prepare the solution:
- You need to take 0, 5 teaspoons of baking soda and a glass of slightly warmed milk.
- Mix the two components thoroughly until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.
- After that, you will need to drink the resulting solution.
- Reception should be repeated every day, the mixture should be drunk once a day. The duration of the course is approximately one month.
It will be useful to clean the intestines to maintain the level of immunity. The procedure will also improve blood supply to the prostate area.
To do this, you need to dilute 1 tablespoon of soda in a liter of boiled water. You will need to do microclictors with a solution once a day, the duration of the course is one month.
- Member 13-14 cm - is enough;
- Masturbation for penis enlargement - technique;
- How to make a pump with your own hands -.
Alkaline baths
Alkaline baths are a fairly common method; they really improve the function of the reproductive organ. Such a procedure helps not only to enlarge the penis, but also to reduce the likelihood of developing prostatitis, as well as relieving inflammation of the penis. The whole body will be cleansed of toxins and toxins, thus improving metabolism.
It is recommended to take a bath in the evening before going to bed. Soda acts on the nervous system and relaxes. Therefore, a person will not only affect the penis, but also fall asleep faster.
- To prepare a bath, you will need to dilute 500 g of sodium bicarbonate using 3 liters of water.
- The solution must be poured into the collected water, then carry out the bath procedures for 30 minutes.
- It is recommended to take a contrast shower after bathing to enlarge the penis and improve health.
Concentrated baths will also be useful for those people who wish to enlarge their penis. The advantage of the procedure is that there are no contraindications and there are no side effects.
The only thing that is not worth carrying out the procedure if the surface of the skin is damaged. Because in this case, there will be a burning sensation on the reproductive organ.
However, if a person regrets improving regenerative function, they can use the baths. The skin will heal faster, although it will have to endure a burning sensation. The recipe helps to achieve a quick effect, and the result will be visible within an hour after the procedure.
Compress with soda to increase penis size
People who wish to change the size of their penis recommend using compresses. Using baking soda will be a smart decision, because it allows you to get results quickly. It stimulates blood circulation in the right place and thus a change in the size of the organ can be quickly noticed.
- To carry out the procedure, you need to take a towel and apply soda on it, previously dissolved in the consistency of a paste.
- The time of action will be up to 15 minutes, after which the mass must be washed off.
- If the penis turns red and heat is felt, there is an effect. The main thing is to apply a nourishing cream to the skin after the procedure to prevent dryness.
Penis massage with baking soda
The correct massage in itself is a good way to resize the penis. Also, it is best to do this together with a component such as soda. However, it is worth adding some honey to soften the substance. Together, these ingredients will stimulate blood flow to increase penis size.
Note that this option can also be used in adolescence, because there are no contraindications. The massage can be done two or three times a day, while other components can be added.
For example, experts recommend using olive oil. It must be mixed with baking soda in order to perform a massage. The oil will nourish the tissues of the organ, making them more elastic. Thus, the epithelium will look healthy and feel good to the touch.
Asterisk with soda
From experts you can hear advice on what to use an asterisk to increase penis size. This conditioner can be purchased at the pharmacy, but there is no need to add too much to the mixture.
- It is recommended that you use an asterisk in a volume no larger than a game header. You will also need to take a tablespoon of baking soda and a small amount of water.
- The resulting mass must be applied to the genitals and left for 10-15 minutes. If there is a strong burning sensation, the product must be urgently washed off with water.
How soda works in augmenting the male organ
To understand why baking soda is suitable for increasing male dignity, you should understand a little about the beneficial qualities of the product:
- Soda provides local irritation of the epidermis, which provokes the activation of blood circulation. The penis then swells temporarily.
- Subsequently, the erection increases, which is important for some intimate problems.
- The substance provides quick results. Using any recipe, you can get instant penis enlargement, which will pleasantly surprise your sexual partner.
- A true increase in male dignity occurs without the use of pills or surgery.
- The substance is cheap and easy to obtain.

Benefits of baking soda
Before learning how to enlarge the penis using soda, you should familiarize yourself with its beneficial qualities:
- Local skin irritation, which activates blood circulation in the penis and swells temporarily.
- Improve erection with local exposure, which is important for men who have problems with potency.
- A slight irritation of the penis serves as an excellent prevention of diseases in the pelvic organs, which is confirmed by some experts.
Soda has a beneficial effect on the whole body: it accelerates tissue healing, turns off heartburn, prevents the development of obesity and normalizes metabolic processes. Important! Before starting penis enlargement with soda at home, it is necessary to pass a sensitivity test: apply a solution of baking soda on the skin and wait 1-2 hours. If there is no redness, burning sensation and other negative manifestations, you can safely proceed to the procedures.
It is true that soda increases the penis
Question: is it true that you can build a penis with soda? Is it realistic to enlarge the reproductive organ with this substance? Answer: Yes, it is true that baking soda works wonders for the genitals. Baking soda is an excellent blood thinner, which helps with gymnastics aimed at penis growth.
Liquid blood is actively distributed within the genitourinary system. The substance prevents the likelihood of blood clots, which are complications during massage exercises.